hacking, bug bounty, appsec

Threat Modeling 101

What is Threat Modeling? First of all, it’s just thinking about threats. We all do it, every day 😃 How someone could break into my house? But wait a second. How do you know that you need to protect your house in the first place? Maybe you don’t have a house, or maybe you don’t have money right now to buy deterrents. Or maybe your family thinks you are a bit paranoid? 😕
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External Authentication bypass in ingress-nginx

In October 2021 I was researched ingress-nginx for possibility to bypass external authentication using path traversal. It was origin story for other investigations regarding insecure usage of $request_uri which leaded to Apache APISIX CVE-2021-43557.
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Hunting for buggy authentication/authorization services on github

To successful bypass access control using path traversal in $request_uri, you need to have buggy authentication/authorization service. Buggy in a way it’s not normalizing url/uri that is part of access control decision. Let me find more of those on github that are relying on X-Original-Url.
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Bug bounty tips for nginx $request_uri path traversal bypass

In this article, I will extend topic by bug bounty tips for weaknesses in authentication/authorization implementation in relation to nginx’s $request_uri variable. APIs This vulnerability is for APIs. Best scenario are microservice deployed to Kubernetes and exposed by ingress controller.
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